Current Projects
2025 Develop a Roadmap for a Skills Audit in Zimbabwe (Ministry of Skills, Audit and Development, Zimbabwe)
BH Associates has been asked by the Ministry of Skills Audit and Development (MoSAD) in Zimbabwe and UNESCO ROSA to provide technical backstopping for developing a comprehensive roadmap for a National Skills Audit. The purpose of this audit is to assess current skills, identify gaps, and forecast future skills needs across sectors to support the nation’s economic growth and development goals. The project is aligned with UNESCO’s mission to foster sustainable growth and support skills development through capacity-building and educational development initiatives.
2025 Review of the Delivery of Fitness to Teach process (Teaching Council, Ireland)
The Teaching Council is the regulator of the teaching profession in Ireland. It is dedicated to promoting and regulating excellence in the teaching profession. This is done through the statutory registration of teachers, ensuring a highly qualified teaching profession, whose members meet and uphold high standards of professional competence and conduct.
BH Associates has been asked to conduct a review of the complaints processed and inquiries held since the commencement of the Fitness to Teach process was introduced in 2016.
2024-2025 Advise and support the development of a Benchmarking Tool for applied universities (UAE)
Ellen Hazelkorn is a member of the Core Research Group supporting the UNESCO Chair Program on Strategic Foresight in Higher Education, hosted by Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE. The aim is to develop an alternative benchmarking tool to improve/enhance excellence of applied higher education institutions (HEI).
2024-2025 Provide Advice to the European Investment Bank (European Investment Bank)
BH Associates will be leading a project,, commissioned under the European Investment Bank's (EIB) Advisory Services, designed to bolster the capabilities of European universities in accessing and managing EIB and InvestEU funding. Set against the backdrop of a rapidly evolving educational financing landscape in Europe, the initiative aims to address the critical need for enhanced financial and project management skills within universities, particularly those in newer and cohesion EU member states and regions. Through comprehensive diagnostics, market analyses, and strategic dissemination via workshops, the project seeks to empower universities with the knowledge and tools necessary for leveraging non-sovereign financing opportunities.
Tom Boland is Team Leader, and Ellen Hazelkorn is a Policy Expert on the team. Project management is by IBF.
2024-2025 Evaluation of Irish Further Education & Training (FET/TVET) practitioner staffing structures against international comparators (Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Ireland)
Ellen Hazelkorn appointed to the expert panel to review and evaluate current staffing structures across the public further education and training system in Ireland, and make recommendations. The objectives are to assess international staffing models of FET practitioners involved in direct delivery of education and training, their career paths, professional development opportunities, and related aspects to inform recommendations for the organisational design of Education and Training Boards (ETB).
2020-2025 Review and Implementation of Accreditation Policies and Procedures, St. Kitts-Nevis (UNESCO)
With support from the UNESCO Accreditation Participation Programme, BH Associates have been asked to review accreditation policies and procedures:
Phase 1 (2020-2021) involved the following objectives:
Review and strengthen where necessary existing documentation, policies, guidelines and regulations as it relates to the recognition of higher education qualifications as well as registration and accreditation processes.
Make Recommendations with regard to the overarching Accreditation Framework to guide the registration and accreditation process, using existing policy and procedural documents and to enhance the Accreditation Services including the National Qualification Framework and the National Qualification Register.
Phase 2 (2023-2024) involved the following objectives:
Implementation of an Accreditation/Quality Assurance system, policies and procedures
Phase 3 (2024-2025)
The overall aim is to enhance the quality assurance and accreditation system in St. Kits and Nevis, creating a system that meets, at institutional and programme levels, international best practices. The first phase concluded in November 2021 with a review of the Accreditation Board of St. Kitts and Nevis, the first since its establishment in 2017. The second phase involved the development of policies and procedures to support the implementation of the recommendations in the November review and concluded in December 2023.
The primary objective of Phase 3 is to implement the recommendations and operationalise the policies and procedures agreed and developed in Phases 1 and 2. This requires a series of interconnected steps, involving ministerial actions, legislative change, and actions taken by the SKN Accreditation Board.
2022-2023 Progressing a Unified Tertiary System for Learning, Skills and Knowledge (Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS), Ireland)
In May 2022, the Irish Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) launched a “policy vision for a more unified tertiary education and research system…as part of the mission to develop Ireland’s higher and further education and research and innovation systems, to ensure they are capable of meeting the diverse needs of all people.”
The first phase of the process involved publication of Progressing a Unified Tertiary System for Learning, Skills and Knowledge – policy platform, and an open consultation process.
Tom Boland and Ellen Hazelkorn have been appointed to advise the Minister and his Department and to support the next phase of this process. Our work will involve providing input into consultation papers, facilitating consultation with all stakeholders and providing reports to the Minister on the process and on the way forward with a view to the development of a Tertiary Education Strategy for Ireland.
Advising Universities
BH Associates works with universities in different countries, providing executive leadership and academic advise with regarding to developing strategic approaches to the changing international and policy landscape. Issues include accreditation & quality assurance, global rankings, skills and employability/higher technical education (TVET), societal engagement, university designation, science policy. Over the years, universities with whom BH has worked, are located in, inter alia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Lebanon, Serbia, Tanzania.
Previous Projects (selected)
2024 Provide Advice to Ministry and Universities in Uzbekistan on Rankings
Ellen Hazelkorn held two days of workshops, and a follow-up session, with representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, and universities in Uzbekistan - as well as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. The objective was to provide advice with respect to deeper understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of rankings, and advice with respect to using rankings strategically, alternative approaches, and policy and university options. The visit was a technical advice mission (TAM) funded by the EU.
2024 Expert Review of Current and Best Practices for the Provision of Space for Postgraduate Researchers in Atlantic Technological University
BH Associates was asked to conduct an assessment of research facilities with, inter alia, the following objectives:
Audit and evaluate the existing practices and approaches in the allocation of space for postgraduate researchers, including both dedicated research spaces and shared facilities.
Evaluate the existing research facilities, their utilisation, and suitability for various disciplines and research needs (including multi / inter trans disciplinary space) and the need to host national
research centres.
Identify the key challenges and limitations associated with the current provision of space for postgraduate researchers.
Identify and evaluate best practices in the design, allocation, and management of spaces for postgraduate researchers, considering diverse disciplines and campus environments.
2023-2024 High-level Mid-Term Review (MTR) of Future FET: Transforming Learning, The National Further Education and Training Strategy 2020-2024 (SOLAS, Ireland)
BH Associates are conducting an assessment of the impact to date of the Strategy and how the establishment of Strategic Performance Agreements provides a framework by which key elements of the Strategy can be implemented. The review also includes
Examination of the synergy between the Strategy and other relevant national strategies and plans such as Housing for All, Apprenticeship Action Plan, Climate Action Plan and Adult Literacy for Life (ALL) Strategy.
Determination of the significant achievements and key outcomes to-date against each of the strategic goals and enabling themes.
Identification of the key challenges to date in delivering the actions set out in the implementation plan as set out in the strategy.
Making appropriate recommendations regarding potential re-alignment and re-prioritisation of high-level goals and actions with the prevailing economic and labour market situation, and highlighting, where possible, future risks and challenges in the sector
2021 Developing a Higher Education Policy for Lebanon (Ministry of Education and Higher Education/UNESCO)
BH Associates worked, in cooperation and partnership with MEHE, to develop a rapid comprehensive analysis of the higher education landscape that sheds light on policy options, areas for investment, and innovations to be introduced. The overall objective is (a) Develop a Higher Education Sector Plan for 2021-2025 (b) Support MEHE developing its Higher Education Policy. Developing a Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS) and SDG4 Strategies are essential pillars of the Policy.
The Minister approved the 5-Year Plan on 12 October 2022. See Overview of the 5-Year Plan.
The Launching Ceremony for the 5 Year Plan for Higher Education in Lebanon, 2023-2027was held on 23 January 2023. See Invitation here in English, and in Arabic: here.
Launch of 5-Year Higher Education Plan. Picture shows Ms Constanza Farina, Director of UNESCO Regional bureau for Education in the Arab World; H.E. Dr. Abbas El Halabi, Minister of Education and Higher Education; Mr Bassam Badran, President, Lebanese University; Director-General, Mr Mazen El Khatib.
Presentation by Director-General, Mr Mazen El Khatib
Here is a copy of the final published 5-Year Strategy.
Read newsreport on the Launch and the 5-Year Plan in University World News or read here
2021-2024 Developing Higher Technical Education in Six African Countries for a Technical and Innovative Workforce (UNESCO)
Ellen Hazelkorn, and BH Associates, is leading a team of international experts to help enhance the capacity of higher education institutions in developing labour market-oriented teaching and competency-based learning, and to strengthen linkages between universities and industries. The project will be implemented over 4 years (48 months), with a total budget of USD 7.5 million, in Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gabon, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Further information about the project is available here . 2022 Review of Access & Disability Services, Atlantic Technological University, Ireland
BH Associates will review the existing model of service delivery, the operational, management and communication processes of both Access and Disability services to identify areas of good practice (internally and externally) that could be capitalised on and shared across the new entity and where applicable areas for improvement.
2022-2023 Provide support and advice through the Institutional Accreditation/Quality Assurance Process (EM Normandie, Dublin)
BH has been asked to provide support and advice to EM Normandie regarding the Irish quality assurance system and the process of the Qualifications and Quality Assurance Authority of Ireland (QQI).
2022 Culture Audit Oversight Group, University of Limerick, Ireland
Ellen Hazelkorn is a member of the Oversight Group which is tasked with oversee and approve the independent thematic analysis and writing of the UL Culture Audit report based on inputs from the Appreciative Inquiry survey and the Athena Swan - EDI (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion) Culture Survey. The Culture Audit will feed into a review of policies and practices at UL.
2022 Provide support and advice regarding UK Accreditation Policies and Procedures (EM Normandie, United Kingdom)
BH Associates was asked to review the EMUK’s engagement with QAA/Office for Students, and to provide advice.
2021-2021 Development of a New Model for Higher Education Financing for Georgia (World Bank)
BH Associates is providing expert advice to the Ministry of Education in Georgia on developing a new model for financing higher education. BH is part of an international team in association with IBF International Consulting (Brussels) and CSD (Georgia). The objective is to support the implementation of the third component of the World Bank’s Innovation, Inclusion and Quality Project (I2Q) – Strengthening financing options and promoting internationalisation in higher education – which aims to develop new options for higher education financing.
2022 Evaluation of Research Programme in the Environmental Humanities (Mistra and Formas, Sweden)
Ellen Hazelkorn is chairing the review a national initiative in environmentally oriented humanities funded by Mistra and Formas. It was established with the ambition of achieving international reference status within a few years. The programme was to be interdisciplinary, with a core of humanities. The Seed Box research programme is hosted by Linköping University; it has been running for 2 phases and comes to an end in March 2022. An Ex-post evaluation is being performed in conjunction with the finalization of the programme.
2022 Expert Advice on Quality Assurance and Accreditation Policies and Procedures (A.T. Kearney Middle East Ltd)
BH Associates were asked to provide expert advice to Kearney Middle East on academic accreditation standards, policies, procedures and governance for the Education & Training Evaluation Commission (ETEC) and National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA), Saudi Arabia, with regard to higher education and TVET. The work included a review of current practices and international benchmarking.
2022 Review of Research Institutes and Centres, Mary Immaculate College (MIC), Ireland
Ellen Hazelkorn was asked to review the current suite of Research Institutes and Research Centres and review their present levels of research activity. Ellen was a member of the panel of three people undertaking the review.
2022 Higher Education Colleges Association (HECA) (Ireland)
Tom Boland provided expert advice to HECA member colleges with respect to the inclusion of HECA students within government student supports schemes.
2022 St Nicholas Montessori College of Ireland (SNMCI) (Ireland)
Tom Boland provided expert advice to SNMCI with regard to accreditation matters.
2022 Function Evaluation of Services, Premises, Equipment and Facilities (GMIT, Ireland)
BH Associates undertook a review of services related to programmes of education and training at GMIT prior to official designation of the Atlantic Technological University, and in accordance with the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012.
2021 Advising on a Financing Model for TVET/VET (Ministry of Education, NZ)
BH Associates have been asked to review and advise on the public funding model being proposed for vocational education, and to advise on the most promising options. Unified Funding System | Tertiary Education Commission (
2018 - 2020 : Holmes Institute, Australia and Ireland
Providing on-going advice regarding establishing a higher education institution in Ireland, including quality assurance policies and procedures, and guidelines for international education.
2020-2021 Technological University of the South-East of Ireland (TUSEI) (Ireland)
BH Associates is providing executive leadership and strategic support and advice to the Institute of Technology Carlow and Waterford Institute of Technology with a view to expediting the successful and timely establishment of the Technological University of the South East of Ireland under section 36 of the Technological Universities Act 2018 (order establishing a technological university). Further information at:
Tom Boland has been appointed Executive Director by the two Institutes with the support of the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. Ellen Hazelkorn is the Academic Advisor.
The application for designation as a technological university was submitted on 30 April 2021.
Minister for Further & Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science:
Technological University of the South East of Ireland:
Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Science and Innovation Simon Harris TD announces a Technological University is to be established in the South East in the 2021/2022 academic year:
New technological university to be established next year in southeast, as reported in The Irish Times
2020-2021 Review and Development of Policies and Procedures for Ethical Review of Research (Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland)
The task is to undertake a review of the research ethics policies and procedures of GMIT and the development of improved policies and procedures to ensure the ethical conduct of postgraduate and contract research consistent with best practice in higher education.
The objective is to: 1) Review of Research Ethics Policies and Procedures; 2) Evaluate the alignment of existing Research Ethics Policies and Procedures to relevant statutory instruments, appropriate ethical practice in professional bodies, and best practice in higher education; and 3) Propose new Research Ethics Policies and Procedures including providing templated documents to implement the improved processes.
2021 Identify potential organisational structures and delivery models for the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research (CTER), Welsh Government
BH Associates have been asked to:
Identify and review different organisational models, structures and regulatory bodies with oversight for planning, funding and coordinating post-compulsory education and training, including higher education in comparable countries and regions;
Identify which roles and functions are typically performed by agencies and departments comparable to CTER and which roles and functions are either retained by government or performed by other organisations;
Benchmark the staffing requirements of those different organisational models with a view to informing the size and structure of the CTER.
This request follows from a review of the post-compulsory education system undertaken by Ellen Hazelkorn in 2015. The report, Towards 2030: A Framework for building a World-Class Post-Compulsory Education System for Wales ( resulted in the establishment of the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research Programme (CTER) in 2017.
2019 - 2020: Independent Commission. “The College of the Future” (UK)
Ellen Hazelkorn has been appointed to the Commission on The College of the Future, which is funded by the Gatsby Foundation, UK. The aim is to review and make recommendations regarding the future of Further Education in the UK. The Commission aims to:
To shape the pivotal role colleges should play over the next decade in every locality acrossthe four nations in meeting the skills needs of the rapidly changing labour market and helping to develop a culture of lifelong learning in all of our communities;
To build an understanding and support among stakeholders – employer organisations, unions and the public at large - of the critical and distinctive function of colleges in delivering high-quality professional and technical education and skills, embedding their role as anchor community assets, central to inclusive economic prosperity and social fairness;
To describe the space which colleges can inhabit in relation to other education institutions, public bodies and employers, with a particular focus on place-based approaches to meeting all of the diverse needs of our communities.
Further information available here:
Final UK-wide Report available here:
2020-2022 Kylin Prime Group (KPG), Ireland, Slovenia and China
Provide advice for the development of a higher education facility in Ireland, including guidance regarding quality assurance policies and procedures.
2019-2020 Munster Technological University: Cork Institute of Technology and Institute of Technology Tralee (Ireland)
Legislation in 2018 provided for institutes of technology to be designated as technological universities after meeting specific criteria. The proposed Munster Technological University is a consortium of the Cork Institute of Technology and the Institute of Technology Tralee which have made a joint application for designation as the Munster Technological University (MTU).
BH Associates were engaged by the institutes and with the agreement of the Minister for Education and Skills and the Higher Education Authority to assist the institutes to meet the requirements of designation. The project, which began September 2019, involved working with the academic and administration communities of the two institutes to prepare them for the second formal review held in May 2020.
On 26 May 2020, the Prime Minister Leo Varadkar TD, Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh TD and Minister of State for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O’Connor today announced the decision to grant Technological University Status to the TU Consortium made up of Cork Institute of Technology and Institute of Technology Tralee.
Press Release attached here:
Link to MTU:
Order signed to dissolve CIT and IT Tralee and establish the Munster Technological University, signed by the Minister for Further and Higher Education Simon Harris, 3 December 2020. MTU official as of 1 January 2021.
2020 Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies (DIAS) (Ireland)
BH was asked to review the legislation underpinning the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, and to make proposals for amendments to the legislation.
2020 Review of Corporate Governance, Dublin Business School (Ireland)
BH Associates was asked to conduct a review of the corporate governance of the Dublin Business School (DBS), and to make recommendations. Periodic independent reviews of the performance of the Board of a company has as its primary objective securing improvements in accountability, efficiency and effectiveness of the Board so that the operation of the governance structure is consistent with the business needs of the company.
2020 Governance Review of HEAnet (Ireland)
The Board of HEAnet requested BH Associates to undertake a review of its governance structure, and make recommendations with regard to the parent-subsidiary relationship with EduCampus. HEAnet is Ireland's National Education and Research Network.
2020 Review of Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures, Marino Institute of Education (Ireland)
BH Associates supported Mazars, Ireland to review and draft the quality assurance policies and procedures for the Marino Institute of Education. The work undertaken covered the full range of quality assurance policies. See here:
2019 Higher Education and the Labour Market (UNESCO)
Ellen Hazelkorn was asked by UNESCO to produce a report on the links between higher education and the labour market. The study, entitled Relationships between Higher Education and the Labour Market - A Review of Trends, Policies and Good Practices, focused on the following areas:
Higher education policies and strategies relating to support for graduate employment ;
Institutional arrangements on higher education (in relation to the support for graduate employment);
Provision of/requirements for workplace learning/training in higher education study programmes (e.g. internships, research and training opportunities in industry);
Preparation of graduates to enter the labour market (in terms of their knowledge, skills and competences) at the level of their qualification;
Provision of career guidance, entrepreneurship and business start-up support by HEIs;
Effective models/best practices of partnership HEIs and industry in research, education and training at HEIs;
Existing competency-based skills assessment approaches by HEIs.
The study included reference to literature, publications, information and/or comparable data across the 7 UNESCO regions:
The report underpins UNESCO’s work in Sub-Saharan Africa with the view to enhancing the capacity of higher education to respond to national human resource development needs to achieve economic and social advancement. A copy of the report is available here.
2019 Honourable Society of King’s Inns (Ireland)
BH Associates was asked to review the quality assurance processes in the Honourable Society of King’s Inns, their consistency with the processes required by Quality and Qualifications Ireland and best practice in institutions internationally for the education and training of lawyers. The project involved
Policy scan of policies and procedures in Ireland with specific reference to QQI, Legal Studies Regulatory Authority (LSRA), legislative framework, etc.
Undertake review of European policy, inter alia ENQA and EQAR and the ESG, with respect to policy trends and relationship to Ireland and QQI
Undertake a review of international policy and practice, with regarding to relevance and trends for Ireland
Review the current status of quality assurance processes in the King’s Inns;
Collect and analyse all relevant documentation re. the current quality assurance processes
Conduct interviews and focus groups with relevant personnel;
2018-2019 Smart Specialisation and Tertiary Education (European Commission)
Research was commissioned, and two reports written, for the Smart Specialisation Platform which provides advice to EU countries and regions for the design and implementation of their Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3).
Report 1, Higher Education for Smart Specialisation - A Handbook, concerned the role of Higher Education in developing smart specialisation strategies and provides advice for S3 managers on how to form closer partnerships with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). (
Report 2, Skills and Smart Specialisation – the role of Vocational Education and Training in Smart Specialisation Strategies, looked at the role of skill development as well as innovation diffusion and applied research – which together can have a more direct impact on sustainable economic growth, especially of less developed regions (
2019 Republic of Tajikistan, Higher Education Project (HEP)
BH Associates provided expert advice and support for the assessment of project proposals under the Competitive Grants Program. HEP is implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Tajikistan (MOES), with the support of the World Bank.
2018-2019: Design a Performance Framework for the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies (DIAS, Ireland)
This project involved two inter-related aspects. 1) Design of a Performance Framework for DIAS, appropriate to an Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS), which can support the quinquennial external review process, and provide a template for reporting annually as appropriate for DIAS. 2) Design of the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the quinquennial School Review. Both tasks will be conducted cognisant of the broader context of international best practice and national objectives for research and higher education. The overall purpose is to strengthen the quality enhancement culture within DIAS, to assess the quality of the research activity, outcomes and impact in the context of international standards and the DIAS Strategy for 2018-2022, to identify potential for further developments and improvement, and to make recommendations.
2018: Review of Options for a Future National Approach to Journal Subscriptions and e-Resources (Higher Education Authority, Ireland)
This was a strategic review of options for a future national approach to journal subscriptions and e-resources, by academics, researchers and others in Ireland. The review is being conducted in the context of increasing publisher costs and growing support for open science. The Strategic Review seeks to understand usage, and opportunities and challenges of accessing and using e-journals etc., to set out best practice in the provision of national research e-library services, and to propose strategic options for the future. The ambition is that IReL will grow to become a national research e-library, and the Strategic Review will be an important step in translating this ambition into a realisable and sustainable strategy.
2018: Comparative Assessment of University Rankings and Education Indicators. Analysing and Complementing U-Multirank (EU Joint Research Council)
Ellen Hazelkorn was asked to undertake review of global rankings, and to identify alternatives indicators to measure teaching and learning/education quality – e.g. a feasibility assessment for the development of new indicators. The project was undertaken on behalf of the European Commission.
2018: Sorbonne University, Abu Dhabi
BH Associates was involved in two inter-related projects for the Sorbonne University UAD (SUAD). Project 1 concerns designing a new organisational structure, with particular focus on research support office and graduate studies, and including an assessment of staffing needs. Project 2 concerns a review of programme relevance with respect to future skills needs in the region. The projects involved, inter alia, the following tasks and outputs:
· Review and analysis of the organisational structure, and drawing on an extensive reservoir of experience and practice at universities around the world, the objectives is to identify optimal, and optional, organisational structures and to deliver these functions;
· Review and assess the current operational efficiency, in terms of staffing and processes;
· Review and assess UAE’s higher education, labour market and economic policies and plans and how these translate in terms of required university degrees and skills;
· Research and analysis of international models of alignment between academic programs and skills needed for a local economy including labour market activation programs;
· Provide advice on applicability to the environment in which SUAD operates;
· Review and analysis of academic programmes, with assessment of alignment with local skills needs and opportunities.
2018: Policy Options to Support Welsh Universities' Delivery of Civic Mission (WCPP, Wales)
BH Associates was asked to Review and Provide Expert Advice for the Welsh Centre for Public Policy, and the Welsh Government. The project looked at policy options to support and encourage higher education institutions' social and economic contributions, regionally and locally, as part of their civic mission. The project is being conducted in partnership with Professor John Goddard, Newcastle University, UK.
Maximising universities’ civic contribution. A policy paper is available here.
Response by Education Secretary Kirsty Williams to the report is available.
Consultation Process and Draft Legislation is available here:
2018: Review and Advice on the Munster Technological University application
BH Associates was asked to review the application, to provide feedback and to make recommendations on the MTU Submission Document for Technological University status.
2018: Risk Management Identification, Advisory and Mitigation Services in relation to the specific proposal to create a multi-campus Technological University of the South East.
Provide analysis and identification of issues with respect to the merger between Waterford Institute of Technology and Carlow Institute of Technology with respect to the proposal to create a Technological University of the South East per the Technological Universities Act, 2018.
The review looks at the following areas:
Governance and Legal
HR Analysis
Academic and Quality Assurance
Student Services and Support
Information Services and Infrastructure
Research and Innovation
This review is conducted in association with Prospectus Management Consultants.
2018: Review of HEA and IRC Regulatory Frameworks (Higher Education Authority & Irish Research Council, Ireland)
In the context of a forthcoming review of the legislation of the Higher Education Authority, this review will identify how the regulatory framework for the governance and funding of Higher Education could be developed, strengthened and made more effective in light of national and international regulatory experience.
2017-2018: Review of Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), UK
Ellen Hazelkorn was a member of the panel involved in an ENQA-coordinated review of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) ( QAA has been an ENQA member since 2000, and was applying for renewal of ENQA membership.
Member of Review Panel.
2018: From Charter to Framework: The Case for Higher Education Provision in Kilkenny, Ireland
Kilkenny County Council engaged BH Associates to explore the case for a substantial higher education provision in Kilkenny city to support the social and economic development of the city, county, and region through the provision, attraction, and retention of graduates with high-level skills. The report was launched by Minister of State for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O’Connor.
The Report found:
· There is a convincing educational, social and economic case for locating tertiary/higher education and training provision in Kilkenny with the proposal aligning well with government policy across education – including meeting growing demand and drawing on policy objectives for technological universities.
· The proposal also aligns well with regional policy, especially as regards providing counter-weights to Dublin, based on making the South-East region more attractive than it currently is.
· The inclusion of Kilkenny as a campus of a multi-campus technological university in the South-East would enhance the development and impact of the university.
· Provision should leverage off regional/local expertise and strengths (in craft/design, agriculture, and/or animation – as well as history/culture and heritage/tourism) in order to establish a national centre of excellence so that it strengthens the region’s attractiveness nationally and internationally and builds sustainability.
· Smart specialisation strategies provide opportunities to deepen partnerships between PACE (agri-tech) and NDIH (design) with enterprise and regional authorities to contribute to, and strengthen, innovation and regional development.
Full Report is available here.
Media coverage is available here: The Irish Times, Kilkenny People, Kilkenny People
2018 Review of College Awareness Week Programme (HEA, Ireland)
A review of, and report on, the College Awareness Week Programme– a major programme of the Irish Government relating to equity of access to higher education. A key focus of the review was to establish the extent to which CAW delivers on national equity of access policy goals and the extent to which it operates as a shared initiative across the higher education and further education system. Key considerations are to:
1 Assess the impact of CAW for (i) members of target groups in the National Access Plan 2015-2019, in particular those from schools and communities who are very under-represented in higher education (ii) other schools, groups and communities
2 Consider how CAW has enhanced the existing access programmes and guidance activities of higher and further education institutions.
3 Review how the structures and objectives of CAW compare to other national campaigns in the higher education sector.
4 Recommend measures for the future arising from the outputs of the above.
2017 - 2018: Mid-Term Review of the Further Education and Training (FET) Strategy, Ireland
The Further Education & Training Strategy, 2014-2019 aims to deliver a higher quality learning experience leading to better outcomes for all those who engage in FET. It presents a roadmap and implementation plan to realise the vision of a world-class integrated system of further education and training in Ireland which will: support economic development; increase social inclusion; and meet the needs of all learners, communities and employers who engage with FET. The FET Strategy is set within a context of Government reform of public services.
This review was conducted with Prospectus Management Consultants.
2017 - 2018: Quality Audit, University of Oulu, Finland
Chairperson, Quality Review of the University of Oulu, organised by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC).
The principle of enhancement-led evaluation is a strong tradition in Finnish evaluation practice. The goal is to help HEIs recognise the strengths, good practices and areas in need of development in their operations. The institutions are supported in their efforts to reach their strategic objectives and in directing future development activities in order to create a framework for the institutions continuous development. Audits are implemented in four stages. First, the HEI carries out a self-evaluation and prepares the audit material. Next, a team of experts examines the material and then visits the institution. Finally, the results of the audit are published in the form of a report.
2017-2018: Performance funding in Cypriot Universities
Tom Boland provided expert advice to the Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus, about the introduction of performance based funding in public universities in Cyprus. The project was supported by the Structural Reform Support Service of the Commission of the European Union.
2017: Holmes Institute, Australia and Ireland
Review and advice provided regarding opportunities for English-language provision in Ireland, in the context of BREXIT and increasing demand by international students.
2017: IMF/EC Technical Assistance
Tom Boland was a member of a joint International Monetary Fund/European Commission team providing technical assistance to the Government of Slovakia in support of a review of public expenditure in a number of areas of activity, including education.
2015 - 2016: Oversight of Post-Compulsory Education, Wales
Ellen Hazelkorn conducted a review of post-compulsory education in Wales, with special reference to the future role and function of the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW). The Terms of Reference included:
A. To review, analyse and document the current arrangements for the oversight of post-compulsory education in Wales, including:
- funding
- governance
- quality assurance / standards of education and training, and
- management of risk.
B. To advise on the effectiveness of current arrangements for the oversight of post-compulsory education in Wales judged by reference to other UK nations, relevant international comparators and research evidence.
C. To make recommendations for the future oversight of post-compulsory education in Wales with particular reference to the role of the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales and its interface with Estyn.
D. To indicate whether there may be a need for legislation and new or reformed institutional arrangements to take forward future arrangements proposed in the light of this evaluation.
Welsh Government announced acceptance of the recommendations made in the report. 31 January 2017.
2016 - 2017: Government Accountability Office (GAO), Higher Education Accreditation, Washington DC.
Ellen Hazelkorn provide expert advice on a US government review of accreditation practices and procedures in the US and internationally. Ellen was also a member of the committee on “Quality Higher Education: What Does It Mean, How Is It Measured, And Who Decides?”, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, US, 2015-2016
2015 - 2016: Evaluation & Development of Higher Education Ranking System, Ministry of Education, UAE
Ellen Hazelkorn was involved in the review and assessment of the effectiveness of a proposed ranking system in the UAE, the strengths and weaknesses of the ranking methodologies, the weights assigned to different indicators and their impact on driving the overall quality of higher education in the UAE.
The examination included the following:
• Assessment of the current environment of higher education in the UAE and the purpose behind the development of a national ranking system for universities and colleges.
• Examination of the proposed ranking system of higher education, its methodology, indicators and weights, and its effectiveness in improving the quality of the outcomes of the universities and colleges and their contribution to the economic and cultural development of the nation.
• Assess the validity and reliability of the proposed ranking system in measuring the contribution made by a variety of institutions (research and non-research based) of higher education with different educational missions.
• Provide benchmarking and alignment analysis of the proposed UAE higher education ranking system against the best in the world and countries with similar higher education context.
• Provide recommendations for improving the methodology, indicators and the weights given to various categories measuring the performance of higher education institutions.
• Provide an action plan to phase in the implementation of the newly established higher education ranking system in the UAE by an independent agency.
2015 Finnish Review of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
Ellen Hazelkorn appointed chairperson of the International Panel of Experts.
The International Panel was asked to review the Finnish Higher Education System in order to analyze its strengths and weaknesses and identify proposals to improve the higher education system and strengthen Finland’s innovation system.
·What are the main characteristics of the Finnish Higher Education (HE) system and how has the system developed over the last decade? How has the system dealt with the major policy trends?
How does the Finnish HE system perform in terms of the three missions (education, research and utilization)? How does the Finnish system score compare to other European countries? In which domains it is leading and in which domains it is under-performing?
What are the (perceived) bottlenecks in the system? What are the (perceived) strengths of the system?
Is the Finnish HE system “future proof”? What are the major trends and (internal and external) developments that will influence the Finnish HE system? In which way will it influence the system? What is the appropriate way to react to these developments?
What is the way forward for the Finnish HE system? Which development proposals should be implemented
2013 - 2014 Strategic Review of the ISAT Alliance (Karelia University of Applied Sciences and Savonia University of Applied Sciences), Finland
Ellen Hazelkorn conducted a strategic review of the ISAT Alliance to identify the value-added component of its priorities and how the two universities can best benefit from them in terms of RDI, education, and regional development. The objectives of the evaluation were:
To evaluate the implementation of the ISAT strategy with focus on ISAT priorities;
To evaluate the value-added of ISAT priorities
To make recommendations to strengthen the ISAT Alliances, and regional engagement.
2010 - 2011 Assessment of “Faculty for the Future Fellows” Programme, Schlumberger Foundation, Paris
Ellen Hazelkorn conducted a review of the Admissions Criteria and Procedures for the Graduate Research and Post-Doctoral Research Scholarship Programme and made recommendations to improve the system so that it best meets the objectives of the programme.
The programme aims to support women in STEM disciplines from emerging and developing countries engaged in post-graduate studies. Fellows are expected to return to their home countries after completion of their studies to contribute to economic, social and technological advancement by strengthening the STEM teaching and research faculties of their home institutions, and also to pursue positions in the public sector where their newly acquired technical and scientific skills can help provide evidence-based support for STEM policy making. In so doing, they become powerful role models and help to inspire other girls and women to pursue scientific careers.