Why are so many people talking about 'tertiary education'?
Ireland is among several countries, including Australia, Wales and Scotland which have begun to talk less about universities and TVET/FE colleges in isolation and instead talk more about ‘tertiary education’, with the aim of bringing universities and colleges closer together in terms of how they are funded, regulated and managed.
So why have these nations started thinking about tertiary education as a whole? What benefits could a more integrated tertiary system offer than cannot be achieved when Higher Education and Further Education, or HE and FE, are dealt with separately? And could England follow suit by building a single tertiary system in the coming years, or would it face too many obstacles along the way?
Join Ellen Hazelkorn, Joint Managing Partner, BH Associates, talk about these issues with Professor Ewart Keep, Oxford, and Tom Richmond, EDSK think tank, UK.
Listen here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1874905/episodes/15736943-why-are-so-many-people-talking-about-tertiary-education