BH Associates

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Redefining & RePrioritising the Asia-Ireland Higher Education Partnership in a Post Civic-19 World

The report is the outcome of the presentations and discussions of the Asia Matters expert member working group chaired by Tom Boland. It offers a contribution to the development of the next national strategy for international education when the current strategy ends in 2020. Where the Ireland brand is understood, it has an international reputation as an innovative, highly educated, fair and welcoming society. Visiting students, their parents, the funding organisation that support them, will be and are core to our future business partnerships in Asia. The mirror reflects both ways - we are under scrutiny and will be compared to other countries. In an era of instability further impacted by Covid-19, Brexit, migration by circumstance not desire, costly trade wars and a general lack of cultural understanding; Ireland, if proactive, may find unique opportunity to be seen as a reliable, quality focused and digitally competent Higher Education Partner.

The report can be accessed here: